Tuesday, March 17, 2015

THE THOUGHTS OF A WRITER (Similar to The Tears of a Clown, but more Productive)

Every writer has by their bedside a notebook and pen(cil), thoughts have no respect for the need for sleep, neither do they arrive politely, they barge in and demand to be noted...I give you three of mine.


Terry Pratchett  maintained that there was always a group of self-proclaimed worthies that if they find themselves in an isolated and remote location would discover a big red button in a cave with the following notice firmly nailed above it.  “DO NOT TOUCH, I MEAN YOU REALLY MUST NOT TOUCH, POKE, PROD, AND IN PARTICULAR, PUSH THIS BIG RED BUTTON.  THIS IS A VERY SERIOUS NOTICE, IF YOU PUSH THIS BUTTON THE WORLD WILL END.”   Of course a member of the group will indeed push the button, just to see a) What will happen and b) what the end of the world looks like.

There is of course that other group, and like the first they are self-proclaimed worthies, (they’ve got votes to prove it) who will studiously read the notice then go and find themselves a couple of dozen sheets of official looking paper and write the following: “Dear Whoever-you-are-so-long-as-you-are-someone-important,  If you do not think as I do, follow the same beliefs as I do, run your country as I do mine, then I shall push this big red button I have just found and end the world…. AND YOU WILL HAVE NO ONE TO BLAME BUT YOURSELVES!" 

Communism works quite well in countries and/or societies that have no idea that what they practice is indeed communism.  The man that lives in a Communist country that had deliberately set up that type of regime is a sad and terrified fellow indeed.  Comrade Smithsky lays abed at night, the covers pulled up to his chin waiting for the tramp, tramp, tramp of the jack boots coming up his garden path, it’s the Comrade Copskis come to arrest him for not sharing out  his peanut butter sandwich with the rest of the Comrade Villagers at lunch time.  He’ll be hauled off to a salt mine, where it is hoped, whilst he is shovelling salt from one pile to another pile, he will have the rest of his life to reflect on what a bad Comrade Citizen he is.  He won’t of course, he will dream that if he had had any sense he would have stock piled his peanut butter sandwiches and used them to buy his way out of this Camaraderie and escape to a country that didn’t need quite so much salt in their meals.

How?!!   Half the world is hunting it, and the other half is polluting and poisoning its home.

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